ENMT is thrilled to host the Italian virtuoso SYNTAX Ensemble from Milano.

The performance is divided by a short intermission and each group performs their own specialized repertoire

Syntax Ensemble program:
Maurilio Cacciatore – Rebus II (EP)
Ülo Krigul – Earth… to Become Earth Again
Tonu Kõrvits – “Hope”
Ivan Fedele – Maja
Toivo Tulev – Fana (WP)

ENMT Program:
Liisa Hõbepappel – The Jangling Lightness of Solace (EP)
Märt-Matis Lill – Escape (EP)
Pasquale Corrado – Ozone (EP)

EP Estonian Premiere
WP World Premiere

Syntax Ensemble:
Maruta Staravoitava (flutes)
Marco Ignoti (clarinets)
Francesco D’Orazio (violin)
Fernando Caida Greco (cello)
Anna D’Errico (piano)
Dario Savron (percussion)
Maurilio Cacciatore (electronics)
Valentina Coladonato (soprano)
Pasquale Corrado (conductor)

Karolina Leedo (flutes)
Talvi Hunt (piano)
Toomas Hendrik Ellervee (violin)
Talvi Nurgamaa (viola)
Paul-Gunnar Loorand (cello)
Arash Yazdani (conductor)

May 10 – Mustpeade maja